Home and Away Wiki
Cash Newman
Cash Newman Close-up
Occupation Police senior constable
Residence 59 saxon Ave. summer bay
Gender Male
Relationships Jasmine Delaney (ex-girlfriend)
eden fowler ex  fiancee
Family Felicity Newman (younger sister) deceased

Mother † jenifer newman Father † anthony newman gary morrow foster father katherine morrow foster mother

tane parata brother in law

First Appearance 14 June 2021
Portrayed by Nicholas Cartwright

Senior Constable Cash Newman is the new police constable who is investigating the murder case of Susie McCalister. He's the the older brother of Felicity Newman and the ex boyfriend of Jasmine Delaney. and the ex fiancee of eden fowler


Cash grew up in a farm with his parents and younger sister, Felicity. His mother died when he was really young. According to Felicity, Cash had a massive crush on his 2nd Grade teacher, Miss Ryan and on his birthday, Cash and his family went to a Chinese restaurant and Cash saw his teacher at the same restaurant with her boyfriend, leaving Cash devastated.

When Cash was 12, his father died and Cash and Felicity are raised in foster care and Cash has a good relationship with his foster parents.


Cash arrives to Summer Bay as the new Senior Constable officer. He began to investigate the murder case of Susie McCalister.Home and Away Cash learns the truth about Jasmines past Officer Cash removes Dean from Salt Cash comes over to see Jasmine;


eden fowler ex fiancee

jasmine delany ex girlfriend


tane parata

xander delany

rose delany

bree cameron
