Home and Away Wiki
Dale Ross
Gender Male
Family Michael Ross (father)
Pippa Ross (mother)
Haydn Ross (half-brother)
Christopher Fletcher (half-brother)
Kate Ross (half-sister)
Sally Fletcher (adoptive stepsister)
First Appearance 22 February 1993
Last Appearance 26 April 1993
Portrayed by Olivia Alfonzetti

Dale Ross was the son of Michael and Pippa Ross. He's the half brother of Christopher Fletcher, Kate and Haydn Ross. He's also the adoptive stepsister of Sally Fletcher.


Dale was born to Pippa and Michael. They hold a naming day for him with all their friends and family present.

One afternoon, Pippa finds Dale not breathing and phones for an ambulance. The paramedics do all they can to resuscitate Dale but it is too late.

The cause of his death is determined to be SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Dale's death took a toll on Pippa and strained her and Michael's marriage.
