Home and Away Wiki
Logan Bennett
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Occupation Trauma surgeon
Gender Male
Relationships Mackenzie Booth (ex-girlfriend) neve speer ex girlfriend
First Appearance 10 august 2021
Last Appearance 6 june 2022
Portrayed by Harley Bonner

Dr. Logan Bennett is a trauma surgeon that arrives when Dean, Mia and Nikau get into a car crash and arrives for a life-saving intervention and sticks around to see his patient's journey through from start to finish. Logan is a potential love interest of Mackenzie Booth

According to Harley Bonner "Logan as a bit of a nomad. Capable, compassionate, intelligent and fun. He’s seen and done a lot in his life, some of which he tries his best to avoid getting into. This is a brand new playing field for Logan. Summer Bay might just prove to be the change of pace and scenery he’s been looking for, then again, fate may have other plans" Logan arrives as the drama unfolds Logan looking after Dean half sister Mackenzie Logan and Mackenzie are making plans Things aren’t looking good for Logan...or his patient. Logan, Mac and coffee. It’s a perfect match In tonight’s triple episode of Home and Away, will Logon leave Mackenzie hanging?! Logan's face is not having a good time
